Posts filed under: Empowered Health Chiropractic

Need Pain Relief? How Chiropractic Can Help

Pain Relief with Chiropractic | Geelong Chiropractor

The chiropractic adjustment, sometimes referred to as a joint manipulation, is a primary technique used in chiropractic care, which has been shown to have various scientific mechanisms that influence pain levels. 

While the exact mechanisms are still being researched, our Geelong chiropractors will discuss several key factors that have been identified:

1. Modulation of Central Nervous System Activity

A chiropractic adjustment has been found to modulate activity within the central nervous system, including the brain and spinal cord. Research using imaging techniques such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has demonstrated changes in brain activity and connectivity following spinal manipulation. These changes may alter the processing and perception of pain signals, leading to pain relief.

2. Activation of Pain-Inhibitory Pathways

Chiropractic adjustments can trigger the release of endogenous opioids, neurotransmitters that act as natural pain relievers, within the central nervous system. These endogenous opioids bind to opioid receptors in the brain and spinal cord, inhibiting the transmission of pain signals and inducing feelings of euphoria and well-being.

3. Reduction of Peripheral Sensitisation

Peripheral sensitisation refers to increased sensitivity of nociceptors (pain receptors) in response to tissue damage or inflammation. Chiropractic adjustments have been shown to reduce peripheral sensitszation by modulating the activity of nociceptive neurons and decreasing the release of pro-inflammatory mediators, such as cytokines and prostaglandins, in the affected tissues.

4. Alteration of Joint Biomechanics

Chiropractic adjustments can restore proper joint biomechanics by mobilising stiff or restricted joints and improving joint mobility. By reducing abnormal mechanical stresses on surrounding tissues and restoring normal joint function, chiropractic adjustments can help alleviate pain and discomfort associated with mechanical joint dysfunction.

5. Activation of Mechanoreceptors

Chiropractic adjustment can activate mechanoreceptors, specialised sensory receptors located within the joint capsule and surrounding tissues. These mechanoreceptors play a key role in proprioception (awareness of body position and movement). Activation of mechanoreceptors by chiropractic adjustments may modulate pain perception and improve joint function.


In conclusion, chiropractic adjustments exert its effects on pain levels through a combination of neurophysiological mechanisms, including modulation of central nervous system activity, activation of pain-inhibitory pathways, reduction of peripheral sensitization, alteration of joint biomechanics, and activation of mechanoreceptors. By understanding these mechanisms, chiropractors can tailor treatment approaches to address the specific needs of individual patients and optimise outcomes in pain management. Further research is needed to fully elucidate the complex interactions underlying the effects of a chiropractic adjustment on pain perception and relief.

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TMJ Disorders: How Dry Needling Can Help

Dry Needling for TMJ Disorders | TMJ Chiropractor

Dry needling is a growing treatment modality used in the management of an array of musculoskeletal conditions. At Empowered Health Chiropractic, our Geelong-based TMJ chiropractors utilise dry needling in the treatment of TMJ disorders, often involving the muscles of the jaw, face & skull.

In this post, our Geelong chiropractor Luka, will discuss some of the several benefits dry needling can have.

Reduction in pain

When compared to other treatment options and sham therapy, dry needling improved pain intensity and pressure pain threshold.

Interestingly, when compared to wet needling with local anesthetic, Lignocaine, dry needling had similar outcomes in the short-term.

Reduction in muscle activity / Increase muscle relaxation

This is thought to be due to a cascade that reduces a specific neurotransmitter, increasing local muscle oxygenation levels, leading to relaxation of muscles in the area.

Increase mouth opening range

Often an outcome of pain and muscle activity reduction, allowing for a greater range of motion of the TMJ.

Improve jaw mechanics

Dry needling has been considered a neuromuscular de-programmer, due to its changes at a nervous system & muscular level.

Often these changes, in conjunction with exercise therapy, can promote better muscle & joint function of the jaw.


  1. Dib-Zakkour J, Flores-Fraile J, Montero-Martin J, Dib-Zakkour S, Dib-Zaitun I. Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Dry Needling in the Treatment of Myogenous Temporomandibular Joint Disorders. Medicina (Kaunas). 2022 Feb 9;58(2):256. doi: 10.3390/medicina58020256. PMID: 35208580; PMCID: PMC8876889.
  2. Vier C, Almeida MB, Neves ML, Santos ARSD, Bracht MA. The effectiveness of dry needling for patients with orofacial pain associated with temporomandibular dysfunction: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Braz J Phys Ther. 2019 Jan-Feb;23(1):3-11. doi: 10.1016/j.bjpt.2018.08.008. Epub 2018 Aug 22. PMID: 30146108; PMCID: PMC6546838.

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Run Strong: Chiropractic For Better Running

Geelong Chiropractors Tips For Better Running

Running is not just a physical activity; it’s a passion, a lifestyle, and for many, a form of therapy. Whether you’re training for a marathon, hitting the trails for a leisurely jog, or simply pounding the pavement to clear your mind, running offers a myriad of physical and mental benefits. However, the repetitive nature of running can also take its toll on the body, leading to muscle imbalances, joint dysfunction, and increased risk of injury. That’s where chiropractic care comes in. As a runner and a Geelong chiropractor myself, I’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative effects of chiropractic care on runners’ recovery and performance. Let’s explore how chiropractic adjustments and therapies can help runners stay on track and achieve their goals.

1. Alignment and Biomechanics

Maintaining proper alignment and biomechanics is essential for runners to prevent injuries and optimize performance. Chiropractic adjustments focus on realigning the spine and restoring proper joint function, which can help correct imbalances and asymmetries that may contribute to running-related injuries. By addressing misalignments in the spine, hips, knees, and ankles, chiropractic care helps runners achieve better overall biomechanics, allowing for more efficient movement and reduced risk of injury.

2. Injury Prevention

Injuries are an unfortunate reality for many runners, whether it’s shin splints, IT band syndrome, plantar fasciitis, or stress fractures. Chiropractic care offers a proactive approach to injury prevention by identifying and addressing biomechanical imbalances, muscle tightness, and joint dysfunction before they lead to more serious problems. Through a combination of spinal adjustments, soft tissue therapy, and corrective exercises, chiropractors can help runners strengthen weak muscles, improve flexibility, and correct movement patterns to reduce the likelihood of injury.

3. Faster Recovery

Recovery is an essential component of any training program, allowing the body to repair and rebuild muscles, tendons, and ligaments after intense workouts. Chiropractic care can help expedite the recovery process by reducing inflammation, alleviating muscle tension, and promoting optimal healing. Spinal adjustments improve circulation and nerve function, facilitating the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to injured tissues while removing metabolic waste products. Additionally, soft tissue techniques such as massage therapy and myofascial release can help relieve muscle tightness and promote relaxation, allowing runners to recover more quickly between workouts.

4. Pain Management

Despite the many benefits of running, it’s not uncommon for runners to experience aches, pains, and discomfort from time to time. Whether it’s lower back pain, knee pain, or foot pain, chiropractic care offers natural and effective pain relief without the need for medication or invasive procedures. Chiropractors use a variety of techniques to address the underlying cause of pain, including spinal adjustments, joint mobilization, and soft tissue therapy. By reducing inflammation, restoring proper joint function, and releasing tension in the muscles, chiropractic care can help runners find relief from pain and get back to doing what they love.

Book an appointment today!

  • Geelong chiropractor assessing posture of female client

Chiropractors Tips for Better Posture

Geelong Chiropractors Tip For Better Posture

Posture is more than just a matter of appearance; it’s a reflection of the health and alignment of our spine and musculoskeletal system. Yet, in today’s technology-driven world, many of us find ourselves slouched over screens for hours on end, leading to a host of postural issues and discomfort. As Geelong chiropractors, we’ve seen firsthand the impact that poor posture can have on our overall well-being. Fortunately, there are simple yet effective strategies that can help us improve our posture and alleviate associated problems.

Here are some essential tips to help you straighten up and stand tall:

1. Be Mindful Of Your Alignment

The foundation of good posture begins with proper alignment of the spine. Whether sitting, standing, or walking, imagine a straight line running from your earlobes through your shoulders, hips, and down to your ankles. Keeping this alignment in mind can help you maintain a neutral spine position and prevent slouching or excessive arching.

2. Sit Smart

If you spend a significant portion of your day sitting, it’s crucial to pay attention to your seated posture. Sit with your back straight, shoulders relaxed, and feet flat on the floor. Use a chair with good lumbar support to maintain the natural curve of your lower back. Avoid crossing your legs or sitting in the same position for too long, as this can lead to muscle imbalances and discomfort.

3. Stand Tall

When standing, distribute your weight evenly on both feet, with your knees slightly bent and your pelvis in a neutral position. Avoid locking your knees or thrusting your hips forward, as this can strain the muscles and joints.

4. Take Breaks and Move

Prolonged periods of sitting or standing can put stress on the body and lead to fatigue and discomfort. Take regular breaks throughout the day to stretch and move your body. Gentle stretching exercises targeting the neck, shoulders, back, and hips can help alleviate tension and improve flexibility.

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The Benefits of Chiropractic for Tradies

Chiropractic for Tradies? Geelong Chiropractor

Tradies are the backbone of numerous industries, often taking on physically demanding roles on a day-to-day basis. Our Geelong chiropractors come across a range of different tradespeople from a broad range of industries. From carpenters, plumbers and electricians , to bricklayers, concreters and constructions workers, these groups often find themselves performing roles that can put their bodies under immense stress, leading to musculoskeletal problems. Finding the time and energy to priotise self-care in the midst of a busy working schedule can be challenging, however it’s often essential in maintaining optimal performance and function. This is where chiropractic care comes in, as a natural and effective health solution that can be tailored to the specific needs of each tradies demands.

In this article, our Geelong chiropractor, Luka, will unpack some of the benefits chiropractic care can have on individuals working in trades.

Injury prevention

The nature of tradie work involves heavy lifting, repetitive movements, and prolonged periods of standing or bending, all of which can increase the risk of injuries, particularly to the spine and joints. Regular chiropractic adjustments help maintain proper function of the spine and joints, reducing the likelihood of strains, sprains, and other common workplace injuries. By addressing minor problems before they escalate into major issues, chiropractic care serves as a proactive measure for injury prevention.

Pain management

Musculoskeletal pain is a common complaint among tradies, often stemming from overexertion, poor posture, or repetitive stress injuries. Chiropractic care offers natural pain relief by improving the way we our body moves, feels and functions. Whether it’s back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, or joint discomfort, chiropractic care can alleviate symptoms and improve mobility, allowing tradies to stay on top of their game without relying on medications or invasive treatments.

Improved mobility & flexibility

Maintaining optimal mobility and flexibility is crucial for tradies to perform their job duties safely and efficiently. Restricted range of motion can not only hinder productivity but also increase the risk of injuries. Chiropractic care can help restore proper joint function and flexibility, enabling tradies to move more freely and perform their tasks with greater ease. By keeping the body in check, chiropractic care promote optimal movement and function, while reducing the likelihood of strains and sprains.

Enhanced injury recovery

In the event of an injury, whether it’s a strained muscle, a sprained joint, or a repetitive stress injury, chiropractic care can play a vital role in the recovery process. Chiropractors employ a variety of techniques, including spinal adjustments, soft tissue therapy, dry needling, and exercise programming, to facilitate healing, reduce inflammation, and restore function to the affected area. By addressing the underlying cause of the injury and supporting the body’s natural healing mechanisms, chiropractic care can expedite recovery and minimize downtime for tradies.

Book an appointment today!

How to Know: Muscle vs Joint TMJ Pain

TMJ Pain

TMJ pain, symptoms or collectively known as TMJ disorders, can commonly affect the muscles and joints of the face, head & jaw. While some conditions can involve both the muscles and joints, here is a quick go-to guide to differentiate between a more muscular, or more joint TMJ issue.

In this article, our resident TMJ chiropractor Dr Luka, will discuss some of the common features we might see with each condition.

Muscular TMJ conditions:

With more muscular TMJ problems, these can often be a more recent onset of symptoms (i.e. within days, weeks or months).

We often might see associated behaviours like clenching or grinding (day or night).

Can often be accompanied with heightened stress, depression or anxiety levels.

We often might see a restricted or limitation in jaw mobility (especially mouth opening)

Joint TMJ conditions:

With more joint TMJ problems, these can often be longer term symptoms (i.e. months to years, as opposed to days or weeks).

There can be developed joint noises (e.g. clicking, popping, grinding)

These conditions can start out more muscular and develop into joint issues over time.

We might see reduced jaw mobility (often more so than muscular type).

Want some help?

Our experienced team at Empowered Health Chiropractic are here to help! We see a range of TMJ disorders and have a variety of strategies to help provide relief, improve movement and restore function to the TMJ.

Book an appointment today!

Five reasons to try Myotherapy

Myotherapy Geelong

What is Myotherapy ?


Myotherapy is provided by a qualified therapist or allied health professional that
focuses on the assessment, treatment, and management of musculoskeletal pain
and dysfunction. It is primarily used to alleviate pain, restore movement, and improve
overall muscle and joint health.

Tom Black, our in house myotherapist at Empowered Health Chiropractic, shares 5 reasons to try myotherapy.

5 reasons to try Myotherapy

1. It can reduce pain. Using a range of different Deep tissue massage
techniques, Muscle energy techniques, dry needling, cupping & exercise
prescription it can target trigger points.

2. It can improve mobility. Myotherapy is targeted treatment at muscle groups
and joints that might not be functioning to full capacity. Poor mobility can lead
to dysfunctional movement patterns.

3. Myotherapy can help improve sporting performance. Be a weekend warrior or
an Elite athlete, Myotherapy can help improve recovery or performance.

4. Muscles support our movement. Good muscle function is important for
everyday life. Myotherapists are highly trained in human anatomy we can
specialise in helping you get stronger with any concerns you might have.

5. As we age our joints can become arthritic, Myotherapy can assist in the
management of this to help prevent any unnecessary surgery.

During an initial consultation your Myotherapist will listen to your concerns while
completing an in-depth assessment. We use a range of orthopaedic & special tests
designed to draw a picture of what might be happening for the patient. We also might
ask you to move in a number of different ways looking for range of motion deficits to
help develop the best treatment plan for you.

Common questions

What if I haven’t tried all the fancy modalities mentioned above?

Don’t worry booking in for an extended 60 minute Myotherapy treatment can be the
best place to start. You can still achieve good results through the hands on
‘massage’ approach!
Tom is highly trained in all other modalities. If you haven’t had them before, ask
about how they could help benefit you in your next session.

Can I use my private health insurance for Myotherapy?

Absolutely, if you have private insurance you can claim on the spot with Tom at the
end of your session. If you’re unsure if you’re covered, double check with your
insurance company. Most health care policies renew on January 1st.

See a myotherapist today!

How you can get the most from Chiropractic Care

How to get the most from Chiropractic | Chiropractor Geelong

Like most things in life, the best option for you might not always be the better option for another.  Our approach to health of course, is really no different.

Depending on whether we approach our health consciously or not, can determine whether we decide to take a reactive or proactive approach to our health. An example of this would be someone told they need to exercise and eat healthier because they were prediabetic or at risk of a cardiovascular incident. As opposed to someone already living a healthful live with regular exercise and a healthy diet to proactively reduce the risk of these events occurring in the first place.

When it comes to Chiropractic care, our Geelong chiropractors find there are typically 3 ways most of our clients use our services. Which approach they take usually depends on their level of health awareness, their goals and individual preferences.

Different approaches to Chiropractic care

+ Relief Care +

This is the option for people that are wanting more of a shorter term solution, usually aimed at getting quick symptom relief. We have plenty of strategies available to get these outcomes.

This approach may include multiple sessions per week to get the body back on track.


+ Preventative Care +

This option is for people wanting a longer term solution for their condition, often addressing underlying weakness or imbalances that may be contributing to the symptoms or issue at hand. This approach often requires more time and effort, however it can help minimise the risk of reoccurrence.

Most people receive care on a two to four week basis with this approach.


+ Performance Care +

Should they chose, this option is for people wanting more regular/periodic Chiropractic visits to not only reduce the risk of these issues coming back but ultimately, to enable our bodies to move, feel and function at its best.

Most people receive care on a one to two week basis with this approach.


Book an appointment today!

Meet Tom Black, Local Geelong Myotherapist

Get to know Tom Black | Geelong Myotherapy

Earlier in September, Myotherapist Tom Black relocated to Geelong with his family and is now working inside Empowered Health Chiropractic. He has been in clinical practice for 13 years and prior to moving to Geelong spent 6 years working at Muscle Freedom in Black Rock, Melbourne.

In this blog we break the ice with some quick fire questions.

What’s your professional background?

In 2021, I graduated with a Bachelor of Health Science in Clinical Myotherapy. I studied for 3 years in Melbourne at Southern School of Natural Therapies while also working part time at Muscle Freedom. Prior to this I studied in the UK.

What do you love about your work?

I am passionate about helping people to get the most out of their bodies. Whether you just need help with some aches and pains or you’re working towards a big sporting goal, Myotherapy can help you. I feel very lucky to be able to build relationships with my clients over time that help me to really understand their needs and goals. I feel a great sense of pride working closely with people.

What are your greatest achievements?

In 2010, I competed for the Isle of Man in cycling at the Commonwealth Games in New Delhi. I was part of the team which helped Tour de France champion Mark Cavendish. In the same year, I also won the Isle of Man road race championships. In July 2012, I carried the London Olympic Torch on its relay, when it visited the Isle of Man.

Geelong myotherapist Tom Black carrying olympic torch for London games

Career Highlights to date? 

Back home on the Isle of Man, I ran my own clinic, TBM Therapy, before deciding to pack up and head to Australia at the end of 2015. Throughout my journey, I’ve worked alongside many of the Isle of Man’s top athletes including MotoGP ace Cal Crutchlow and World superbike champion Jonathan Rae. 

During my time in Australia, I have worked with Frankston YCW football club, as well as VFL team Box Hill Hawks. I have also worked as a trainer for the Peninsula Interleague team when they played Geelong at the MCG. 

I have also worked with professional cycling teams in Ireland and here in Australia. 

Geelong myotherapist Tom Black supporting at AFL match

Tom Black, new Geelong myotherapist working at the MCG


What are you looking forward to about working in Geelong? 

After 6 years working in Melbourne, it’s exciting to have moved with my family and be starting ‘The Manx Myo’. I feel very fortunate to have worked in such an amazing clinic in Melbourne, Muscle Freedom. Throughout my 13 years working in clinical practice I’ve gained so much experience and feel I have a lot to offer people of all ages and abilities, no matter what they are trying to achieve. 

I cannot wait to connect with the local Geelong community and share my story while helping them get the most out of their bodies. 

If you’re in need of some Myotherapy, book today with Tom through our online booking page.

Book an appointment with Tom today!

5 Things About Neck Pain You May Not Know

Neck Pain Facts | Chiropractor Geelong

  1. Neck pain is a common musculoskeletal issue in Australia. According to the Australian Institute of Health & Welfare (AIHW), 13% of Australians reported experiencing neck pain in the 2017-18 period. 
  2. Several risk factors may contribute to the high prevelance of neck pain in Australia, include; sedentary lifestyles, poor posture & stress.
  3. In Australia, there are a variety of treatment options available for treating neck pain, these may include chiropractic, physiotherapy, myotherapy & osteotherapy.
  4. Women are more likely to experience neck pain compared to men, with the highest incidence between the ages of 35 and 55 years.
  5. Neck pain can present as mild to serve and with a variety of symptoms, some including; pain or stiffness in the neck, headaches, pain into the arm or shoulder and difficulty moving the neck.

Our Geelong chiropractor approach to neck pain

  1. Firstly, our Geelong chiropractor will try to understand the nature of your neck pain, how it started and the impact it has on you.
  2. Our Geelong chiropractor would perform a thorough assessment of your muscles, spinal joints and nerves around the neck area, a posture analysis and other testing rule out serious injury or pathology.
  3. If clinically indicated, referral for further investigations, tests or scans will be made.
  4. We will have an in-depth discussion around the nature of your specific condition, the treatment options available to you and we will map out a care plan to get you back on track as quickly as possible.
  5. If appropriate to do so, we will start your treatment from the first visit to help relieve pain, promote better movement and get your road-to-recovery underway.

Get help today!

5 Things About Low Back Pain You May Not Know

Low Back Pain Facts | Chiropractor Geelong

  1. According to the World Health Organisation in 2020, low back pain affected 619 million people globally, which is approximately 9% of the global population.
  2. Women tend to be impacted more than men, approximately 1.5x more so.
  3. The prevalence of low back pain increases with age, peaking in people aged 45 to 55 years old.
  4. The majority of low back pain are due to unknown causes, with less than 1% of all cases due to more severe patho-anatomical origins (e.g. infection, fracture, cancer etc).
  5. Most people will experience low back pain in some form during their lifetime, with the lifetime prevalence between 75-84%.

Our approach to Low Back Pain | Chiropractor Geelong

  1. Understand – Our Geelong chiropractor will want to understand your particular condition, the impact it has had on your life and what you’d like to get back to.
  2. Assess – Our Geelong chiropractor would perform a thorough neuro-orthopaedic assessment, spinal examination, posture analysis and other testing to assess overall movement and function.
  3. If clinically indicated, our Geelong chiropractor will refer for further investigations, tests or scans will be made.
  4. Educate – Our chiropractor will have an in-depth discussion around the nature of your specific condition, the treatment options available to you and we will map out a care plan to get you back on track as quickly as possible.
  5. Recover – If appropriate to do so, we will start your treatment from the first visit to help relieve pain, promote better movement and get your road-to-recovery underway.

Book an appointment with our Neck Pain chiropractor!


  1. GBD 2021 Low Back Pain Collaborators. Global, regional, and national burden of low back pain, 1990-2020, its attributable risk factors, and projections to 2050: a systematic analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. Lancet Rheumatol 2023: 5: e316-29.
  2. GBD 2019: Global burden of 369 diseases and injuries in 204 countries and territories, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019.

How to prevent chronic stress from deteriorating our health

Chronic stress

Chronic stress can have significant and long-lasting effects on our physical and mental health. When the body is exposed to ongoing stress without sufficient time to recover, it can lead to various negative outcomes. Here are some of the key impacts chronic stress can have on our health:

Cardiovascular issues: Chronic stress can contribute to high blood pressure, heart disease, and an increased risk of stroke.

Immune system suppression: Prolonged stress weakens the immune system, making the body more susceptible to infections and illnesses.

Digestive problems: Stress can disrupt the digestive system, leading to issues like indigestion, stomach ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and exacerbating existing gastrointestinal conditions.

Mental health disorders: Chronic stress is closely linked to the development of anxiety disorders and depression. It can worsen existing mental health conditions and contribute to the onset of new ones.

Sleep disturbances: Chronic stress can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to insomnia or poor-quality sleep. Lack of proper rest can further exacerbate stress, creating a vicious cycle.

Cognitive impairment: Prolonged stress can impair cognitive functions such as memory, attention, and decision-making abilities.

Muscle tension and pain: Chronic stress can lead to headaches, muscle tension, and pain in the neck, shoulders, back, and other parts of the body.

It’s important to note that different individuals may experience and cope with stress differently, and not everyone will develop all of these health issues. However, chronic stress can have a cumulative effect on health over time, and it’s essential to address and manage stress through healthy coping mechanisms, lifestyle changes, and, if necessary, seeking professional support.

Our team at Empowered Health Chiropractic understand the important role stress management can play in a large number of muscular, skeletal and nervous system conditions, hence we actively promote strategies to support short and long-term recovery.

Strategies to better manage stress

There are many different stress management strategies that can be effective for different people. Here are 10 common stress management strategies:

Exercise regularly. Exercise is a great way to relieve stress and improve your overall health. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week.

Get enough sleep. When you’re sleep-deprived, you’re more likely to feel stressed and overwhelmed. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night.

Eat a healthy diet. Eating a healthy diet can help improve your mood and energy levels, which can make it easier to cope with stress. Avoid processed foods, sugary drinks, and excessive amounts of caffeine and alcohol.

Take breaks throughout the day. If you’re feeling stressed, take a few minutes to step away from whatever you’re doing and do something relaxing, such as taking a walk, listening to music, or meditating.

Learn to say no. Don’t be afraid to say no to commitments that you don’t have time for or that will add to your stress levels.

Delegate tasks. If you have too much on your plate, don’t be afraid to delegate tasks to others. This will free up your time so you can focus on the things that are most important to you.

Spend time with loved ones. Social support is important for managing stress. Make time for the people who make you happy and who you can talk to about your problems.

Practice relaxation techniques. There are many different relaxation techniques that can be helpful for reducing stress, such as deep breathing, meditation, and yoga. Find a technique that works for you and practice it regularly.

Seek professional help. If you’re struggling to manage your stress on your own, consider seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor. They can teach you coping skills and help you develop a stress management plan.

Take care of yourself. Make sure you’re taking care of your physical and mental health. This includes getting regular checkups, eating a healthy diet, exercising, and getting enough sleep.

It’s important to find a stress management strategy that works for you and to make it a part of your regular routine. The more you practice these techniques, the better you’ll become at managing stress and the less it will impact your life.



  1. McEwen BS. Neurobiological and Systemic Effects of Chronic Stress. Chronic Stress. 2017;1. doi:10.1177/2470547017692328
  2. Varvogli L, Darviri C. Stress management techniques: Evidence-based procedures that reduce stress and promote health. Health science journal. 2011 Apr 1;5(2):74.