Our Approach

Our Approach

At Empowered Health Chiropractic, our Geelong chiropractor takes a holistic approach to your health, with a strong focus on the muscular, skeletal and nervous systems. Our chiropractors aim is to help our clients reach their health and wellness goals through professional, ethical and high quality chiropractic care.

Our treatment and management is directed at fast symptom relief and restoring normal movement and function. Like many we see, fast pain relief is typically a priority and many treatment options are available to try and achieve this outcome.

Incorporating a range of manual therapies such as manual adjustments (joint manipulations), dry needling and other soft tissue therapies, are effective strategies for pain relief and tension reduction throughout the neuromusculoskeletal system.

Supportive & complimentary to our hands-on treatment, a combination of personalised exercise and rehabilitation strategies are often recommended to promote better movement, strength and overall function.

Our multi-modal management approach allows us to get quicker and longer lasting outcomes for our patients.

Male Geelong chiropractor performing manual chiropractic adjustment to female client for lower back pain


Getting you Feeling Better

Reducing tissue sensitivity and nervous system dysfunction.


Getting you Moving Better

Optimising mobility and movement


Getting you Functioning Better

Optimising function and strength

Book an appointment today!