5 Things About Neck Pain You May Not Know
7 Facts About Chiropractic That You May Not Know
1> Chiropractors often take a holistic approach, meaning the body is considered system and that all parts of the body work together in order to allow us to function optimally. Underlying this, chiropractic philosophy sees the spine and nervous systems as the foundations of health and that by improving the function of the spine and […]
Top Ways To Improve Your Spine Health
One of the most common questions our Geelong chiropractors get asked by our clients – What can I do to improve my spine health? While there isn’t a simple answer, however, like most facets of our health, consistency plays a large role. While there may be better, or more effective methods, the best method is […]
Better Results, Faster, With Multi Modal Chiropractic Care
At Empowered Health Chiropractic, our Geelong chiropractors often hear that we are quite distinct from other health practitioners in the way we assess, treat and manage a variety of musculoskeletal conditions. We are commonly referred to as multi-modal chiropractors, meaning, we use a variety of methods to achieve optimal outcomes in pain relief, better movement […]
Top Tips To Improve Your Spine Posture This Year
Living in the Western world, we are spending more time than ever sitting at a desk, behind the wheel or relaxing on the couch with technology. These repetitive behaviours have a compounding effect on our posture, eventually confirming the argument, we are a product of our environment and habits. Our posture is a constant physical […]