How To Decide On The Best Chiropractor In Geelong For You

Luka Fantela-Chiropractor-Geelong

Deciding on which chiropractor is best for you can be a challenging task. The reason being, this decision is ultimately based on a variety of important factors. Rather than going through the key characteristics our team believe make up a great chiropractor, we have decided to list the characteristics we embody at Empowered Health Chiropractic, and of course, the things we do not.

This way, will allow you to make an informed decision on the best chiropractor in Geelong for you without having to visit every single chiropractor in your local area.

In this article, our Geelong chiropractor, Luka, will discuss and list the characteristics our team ARE and what we ARE NOT.

  • We take a patient-centered approach: our assessment and treatment recommendations are based around you, the client, not a one-size-fits-all approach to care.
  • We will perform a thorough and comprehensive assessment: we don’t believe in skipping steps, especially important steps in your history and assessment.
  • We seek to listen & understand first: we take the time to learn the impact that our injuries and pain can have on our individual lives.
  • Create a plan of action: to get you back on track and in control of your health situation.
  • We will always give you options: once we understand the situation, we will give you treatment options based on your individual preferences, needs and resources available.
  • We take a multi-modal approach: our chiropractors are equipped with a range of methods and strategies to help our clients get back on track.
  • We will take an evidence-based approach: we use a variety of recommended strategies and frameworks that have been proven to help.
  • We will always respect your choices.
  • Treat every single person the same with a one-size-fits-all approach
  • Sell and pressure you into long term treatment plans
  • 3-5 minute consultation, rushing you in and out of your appointment
  • Only use “cracking” techniques
  • Use fear tactics to promote our treatment recommendations
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